Nicole Notar, President & Founder

Nicole Notar, President & Founder

Nicole’s journey with endometriosis was a decade-long battle marked by misdiagnoses, skepticism, and unrelenting pain. Incorrectly labeled with IBS and anxiety, she navigated through a maze of suffering, seeking answers and validation from countless doctors, including gynecologists, gastroenterologists, primary care physicians, endocrinologists, and holistic practitioners. Despite her efforts, no one could provide her with the answers she desperately needed.

Ironically, Nicole considers herself fortunate that the gynecologists she consulted were hesitant to operate on her due to the possibility of complications. Had they proceeded with surgery, she would have likely received ablations, an outdated and less effective treatment that could have worsened her condition. Unbeknownst to her at the time, excision surgery is the gold standard for endometriosis treatment and care.

It wasn't until Nicole underwent excision surgery with a knowledgeable physician that her path to healing began. During the 6-hour surgery, 73 endometriosis lesions were discovered and removed from her bladder, uterus, colon, rectum, and appendix (which was removed); as well as, two endometriomas, one larger than her uterus itself, serving as a powerful testament to the importance of having the right medical team, validation, and the pursuit of proper treatment.

"I can't imagine what would have happened if a non-endometriosis specialist had been inside me and found 73 lesions," Nicole reflects. "Would they have performed ablations on all of them? Would they have missed the majority of them? I'm so lucky my first surgery was with an excision specialist, but most women aren't, and that's what we need to change."

Inspired by her own struggle and the realization that countless women face similar challenges, Nicole founded Endo Excision for All. Despite being grateful for the care she eventually received, she is filled with resentment for the many women who cannot access or afford the same level of treatment. In 2024, excision surgery for endometriosis still lacks an insurance code, leaving women who cannot afford out-of-network specialists at the mercy of in-network providers who often perform ablations. This outdated surgical technique can result in incomplete removal of the disease, difficulty treating deep lesions, and the risk of thermal damage.

Nicole is determined to change this injustice. Through Endo Excision for All, she advocates for the coverage of excision surgery performed by endometriosis specialists, empowering patients to receive the most appropriate and effective care tailored to their individual needs. Her mission is to ensure that no one has to face financial hardship or settle for suboptimal treatment due to insurance limitations. Nicole's personal journey fuels her passion for making a difference in the lives of women with endometriosis, and she remains dedicated to creating a world where every woman has access to the care she deserves.