About Us

Endo Excision for All is a dedicated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to advocating for improved healthcare coverage and access to effective treatment options for individuals suffering from endometriosis. We believe that every person with endometriosis deserves access to the most effective treatment options, including excision surgery, which is currently considered the gold standard in endometriosis care.

Our team comprises passionate individuals, including patients, healthcare professionals, and advocates who understand the challenges faced by those living with endometriosis. We recognize that the current healthcare system often fails to provide adequate coverage for endometriosis treatment, forcing patients to seek out-of-network care at a significant financial burden.

Through our efforts, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of comprehensive endometriosis care and work towards improving access to excision surgery for all individuals affected by endometriosis. We strive to educate the public, healthcare providers, and insurance companies about the life-changing benefits of excision surgery and the need for its widespread availability. By advocating for better coverage and access to this gold-standard treatment, we believe we can greatly enhance the quality of life for countless individuals affected by endometriosis.

Meet the Team

Our mission is to champion improved healthcare coverage and access to excision surgery, the gold standard in endometriosis treatment. We strive to make this life-changing procedure accessible and affordable for all patients, regardless of their financial situation or insurance status.

“By advocating for insurance coverage of excision surgery, we're fighting for the fundamental right of every individual with endometriosis to receive the most effective treatment available, regardless of their financial situation.”

— Nicole Notar, Founder of Endometriosis Excision for All