Kayla Savino-Bancone, Director of Policy

Kayla Savino-Bancone, Director of Policy

Kayla’s experience searching for answers to her chronic pelvic pain inspired a deep passion for helping those suffering from endometriosis find the answers they deserve. One of the most challenging aspects of her personal health journey was navigating the US healthcare system when seeking a diagnosis. When she found an endometriosis excision specialist she trusted with her care, she had no option but to pay out of pocket for the procedure because there was no insurance code for endometriosis excision. Unfortunately, many patients face similar hardships, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment.

After her surgery in 2024, Kayla did not receive the endometriosis diagnosis she expected. Instead, she was diagnosed with adenomyosis, commonly referred to as the “cousin” of endometriosis, which is a condition where endometrial-like tissue grows into the muscular wall of the uterus. Without having surgery performed by an endometriosis excision specialist, she would not have been able to rule out endometriosis and move forward with a treatment plan that targeted the true cause of her pain.

Kayla firmly believes that it is long overdue that endometriosis excision surgery is covered by insurance. As the Director of Policy for Endo Excision for All, Kayla pledges to amplify the voices of endometriosis patients who lack access to timely and appropriate treatment due to financial barriers. Policy change is essential for making excision surgery accessible to all who suffer from endometriosis, and this can only happen when advocates, healthcare providers, insurance companies, and policymakers work in coordination. Therefore, she believes it is urgent that lawmakers fully understand the devastating consequences that the absence of a specific insurance code for endometriosis excision has on access to care. 

Kayla empathizes with and advocates for anyone who has received insufficient answers and treatment for their pain. She believes in every person’s right to understand what is happening inside their body and is dedicated to ensuring that endometriosis excision surgery is accessible to all, regardless of financial standing.